McCain A Better Uniter
Than Clinton, Obama
After the last bits of confetti have been cleaned up and chairs put back in their places, Super Tuesday was one hell of a party. But only one politician came out as the most recognizable winner and that’s Arizona’s Sen. John McCain.
And it’s clear too. A full day after Super Tuesday, people are talking about John McCain. At the moment, he is the leading Republican presidential candidate, beating former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
McCain’s Super Tuesday victory clearly shows he knows how to beat his rivals and maybe it’s time New York Sen. Hillary Clinton and Ill. Sen. Barack Obama take a leaf from McCain’s political playbook.
Sure, all three of these candidates have been involved with heavy mudslinging with their opponents and only die-hard supporters eat that stuff up. For those of us who would rather have something of substance, we have to wait patiently in our wading boots and dodge the mud. And just like fishing, with great perseverance, we will catch a few words of inspiration and a plan to not only protect our nation but steer it out of the economic mess that it has found itself in.
McCain obviously has a message that Republicans can follow and embrace, while Obama and Clinton may not have that same unifying message if Democratic voters overwhelmingly could not decide on which one they could wholeheartedly support. And this has been the Democrats major downfall in the last few years.
With the many faults Republicans have, they can at least come together and support a single candidate. Sure, it still too early to say that McCain will get the nomination but he won more than half of the delegates. That really says something. Because the same can’t be said about Obama or Clinton. It’s still too close to call and it seems that Democrats are willing to choose a person who is the most electable. And how wise is that?
It certainly didn’t work when Democrats chose Sen. John Kerry to try to beat President Bush back in 2004. Democrats had been falling all over themselves in finding ways to beat Bush during the 2004 campaign.
After all, President Bush embarrassingly beat Al Gore in 2000 and the Democrats wanted to beat him in 2004 and get the White House, which they thought was rightfully theirs in the first place. In their desperate attempt, they selected Kerry, who during the campaign could not unite a number of Democrats since many jumped ship and decided to vote for Bush instead.
Now history is repeating itself and what’s worse, Democrats can’t decide which one to choose, Obama or Clinton. And that speaks volumes of Obama’s and Clinton’s abilities to be uniters.
Sure, there are many factors that go into why a candidate is either leading in the polls or is nearly tied with an opponent. But the number one factor that is most critical is the message and being able to bring a party together. Simply put, neither Clinton nor Obama can bring Democrats together if the voters cannot ultimately decide on which one of them to choose.
The two have been focusing on each other for so long that they failed to notice how McCain’s message united Republicans on Super Tuesday. It seems that they are more dividers than uniters and it was certainly apparent on Tuesday. The question now is: Is it too late to become a McCain for the Democratic Party?